St Twitters - Do You Remember


Excellence in care, where we care with excellence

Published by Pills and Spoon!

St Twitters – A Virtual Hospital – ALL WELCOME

Open 24/7

A Tweeting story of healthcare professional romance coupled with a gritty hospital drama.




Washing everything with bleach, salt or vinegar

Using Spit! (On to a handkerchief if you're being posh!!)

Of course - first and last resort, for windows to suppurating wounds a good spit

Magnesium Sulphate

Kaolin poultice to draw "it" out if I recall

Apparently you could do the same with bread!

Egg white & Oxygen anyone?

Opium tincture.

OMG - The starch, the cap folds, what do I do with the starch...?!

And let's not forget EUSOL?!

Edinburgh University Solution Of Lime. Gloopy!

MILTONs ! ... for sterilising?

Savlon - we used to dump all our A&E instruments in it

Wounds - And Wash it out first with...? Hydrogen peroxide!!!

Gentian stained fingers anyone ?

Soaked gauze ribbon in it to pack wounds.

Improvement measured by number of gauze packs!

Remember salt baths pre and post Op?

And full shave - for just about anything!

Nipples to knees I think it was called

I recall giving a soap & water enema prep as DN

But what about treacle?! 

Nelsons inhaler with boiling water & friars balsam

Paraffin tulle impregnated with honey?

Elastoplast & Sleek on skin

Now recalling a life before gloves

And aseptic technique. Loved it!

Dressing procedures with forceps prowess

Cutting dressing packs open on a curve


The 'Back' Trolley

Take the Basket to the Linen - Not the Linen to the Basket


Gets buckle out, gives it a polish

Steam sterilisers ?

Steristrips were 'new' 1973/4?

Little Sister & Cidex - till found to be carcinogenic

Patients #OT - bandage rolling in the afternoon

Shiny bedpans

Pillow Case opening away from the Ward Entrance

Folding back the top sheet = The fold back - length from elbow to finger tips

45 Degree Bed Corners

Post Op Beds

Windows we could open wide to the germs out

Old beds tall head/foot boards & rails under bed

We cleaned the whole bed down to wheels

Bed Wheels all lined up in the same direction

Beds like a huge cot!

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